QUEER SPAWN, by Anna Boluda

Award-winning documentary 'Queer Spawn' shows the life and thoughts of several teenagers in the United States who have gay or lesbian parents. In this website you can see a longer synopsis, a list of awards, television screenings and film festivals where it's been shown, as well as a short bio of the filmmaker. For more info, leave a comment.
El documental 'Queer Spawn', premiat arreu del món, mostra la vida i pensaments de diversos adolescents dels Estats Units que tenen mares lesbianes o pares gais. A aquesta web trobareu una sinopsi, el llistat de premis, televisions on s'ha emés i festivals quel'han projectat, així com una breu biografia de la realitzadora. Per a més informació, podeu deixar un comentari.
El documental 'Queer Spawn', premiado en festivales internacionales, muestra la vida y pensamientos de diversos adolescentes de Estados Unidos que tienen madres lesbianas o padres gays. En esta web encontraréis una sinopsis, el listado de premios, televisiones en que se ha emitido y festivales que lo han proyectado, así como una breve biografia de la realizadora. Para másinformación, podéis dejar un comentario.
At 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi - is there a way to purchase this film? And if so, what is the cost? I live in Vancouver BC Canada and saw it this past weekend at the Out on Screen Film Festival. I'd like to buy a copy or see if our local university library could purchase it so we could use it for educational purposes. We thought it was a great film!
At 7:28 AM,
Anna said…
I would be pleased to send you a DVD, but I'm afraid you did not leave your contact info.
You can reach me at annaboluda@gmail.com
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